A Different Kind of Leader
A Different Kind of Leader
"Never give up; never give up; never, never, never give up." - Interviewing Dr. Margaret Moss
Margaret Moss, PhD, JD, RN, is an enrolled member of the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara Nation (Three Affiliated Tribes of North Dakota), and has equal lineage as Canadian Sioux/ Saskatchewan. She is currently, at the University of British Columbia as Director of the First Nations House of Learning, and in the Faculty of Applied Science as an Associate Professor in the School of Nursing. Dr. Moss is the first and only American Indian to hold both nursing and juris doctorates. In this episode, Dr. Moss discusses her formative years as an adopted Indigenous child experiencing the, now illegal, assimilation practices in the U.S. She shares her love of learning, which began in her early childhood, and propelled her academic pursuits in science, nursing, and ultimately law. She describes issues of loss, historic trauma, and prejudice, and how she has overcome those obstacles throughout her personal and professional life.
Twitter: @mpm40
Get Dr. Moss's book: American Indian Health and Nursing
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