A Different Kind of Leader
A Different Kind of Leader
"Do what you like, what's important, and what's right." - Interviewing Dr. Ada Adimora
Adaora A. Adimora, MD, MPH, FIDSA, is a Sarah Graham Kenan Distinguished Professor of Medicine at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine and professor of epidemiology at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health. She is a physician epidemiologist with more than 25 years of clinical experience in the treatment of patients with HIV disease. She has dedicated her career to investigating the epidemiology of HIV and STIs.
🔔 Follow Dr. Adimora on Twitter @AdaAdimora
Intro (00:23) | Quote and journey (02:30) | Moral courage (03:37) | Career (05:26) | Mentorship (12:35) | 80s influence in policy and career (15:10) | Current key challenges (21:57) | Juggling commitments and making choices (25:35) | Self-care (28:57) | Book recommendations (30:14) | Reading or listening to now (31:31) | Good vs. Great leaders (32:27) | Advice for younger self (33:51)
This episode is hosted by Giselle Corbie and produced by Rachel Quinto. Promoted by Shelby McLamb and engineered by Sam Williams. Music is by Mixaud and Chillout Lounge.
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