A Different Kind of Leader

"The arc of history is long, but it always begins towards justice." - Interviewing Dr. Brian Smedley

Giselle Corbie-Smith Season 3 Episode 9

Brian Smedley, PhD is chief of Psychology in the Public Interest, where he leads APA’s efforts to apply the science and practice of psychology to the fundamental problems of human welfare and social justice. In this episode, Dr. Smedley discusses how work in social justice has been instrumental in addressing the challenges of current events (e.g., COVID-19, racial inequality, etc.). He illustrates how much this body of work has grown since the late 90s, when issues of racial justice and health inequities were viewed with skepticism in academic and healthcare settings. Dr. Smedley also discusses the leaders who played an impactful role in his career, from scholars in medicine, psychology, public health, and other fields. He shares that "leadership really boils down to relationships...the best leaders are those who focus on those relationships." Additionally, he asserts that everyone has the potential to be a leader, but that it is important to have integrity about one's work, life, and level of commitment.

Twitter: @BrianDSmedley
Publication: Unequal Treatment: Confronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care

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